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Myths & Facts About Veterinary Acupuncture

Acupuncture can provide a variety of health benefits for cats and dogs, but many pet owners are still unsure due to misconceptions they have heard. In this post, our Danbury vets resolve some myths about veterinary acupuncture to help clear the air. 

What Is Veterinary Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a therapy that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and relieve pain. It's not just for humans, but can also be used on pets. 

Veterinary acupuncture works similarly to acupuncture for humans. Needles are inserted into specific points on the pet's body to stimulate energy flow, which can help reduce pain, and inflammation, and improve circulation. It also promotes relaxation.

Acupuncture is commonly used on pets to treat various conditions such as arthritis, muscle pain, respiratory problems, digestive issues, and anxiety. It's also used to enhance overall wellness and balance in pets. 

The Myths & Facts About Veterinary Acupuncture

Below, our Danbury veterinarians debunk some common myths surrounding veterinary acupuncture to help set your mind at ease about the treatment.

Acupuncture Is Painful for Pets

Did you know that most dogs don't get scared or feel any pain during Acupuncture? In fact, they often relax so much that they fall asleep.

It Is a Placebo Treatment

Dog acupuncture is sometimes attributed to the placebo effect, where a treatment is believed to be effective and therefore it is. However, dogs don't possess this kind of thinking, so acupuncture's effectiveness in them cannot be attributed to the placebo effect.

While scientists still lack a full understanding of how acupuncture works, evidence suggests that it can alleviate pain and inflammation by triggering the release of natural chemicals in the body.

In fact, acupuncture can be beneficial for treating various conditions in pets, such as muscle pain, digestion problems, breathing issues, and nerve disorders. In certain cases, acupuncture might even be a preferable choice over traditional medications due to its fewer side effects and lower likelihood of drug interactions.

It's a One-Time Treatment

While some pets may feel better right away after their initial acupuncture session, most pets need multiple treatments for long-term benefits. The number of treatments needed depends on the specific condition and the pet's individual response to acupuncture. Typically, a course of acupuncture treatment involves 4-6 weekly sessions. 

Acupuncture Is Just a New Trend

Acupuncture for pets has become popular as an alternative therapy recently, but it's essential to understand that it's not a new or trendy treatment. Acupuncture has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for over 3,000 years. Moreover, it is commonly combined with conventional veterinary medicine to offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to pet healthcare. 

There are Bad Side Effects

Acupuncture is safe for dogs and won't cause hepatitis or AIDS, unless unclean needles are used. In the US, licensed acupuncturists use disposable needles for both humans and animals, ensuring safety. Although some pet owners have concerns about potential pain or bruising, acupuncture for dogs is a gentle process that rarely causes harm.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Wondering if your cat or dog could benefit from veterinary acupuncture? Contact our Danbury vets to learn more and book an appointment for your pet

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Are you looking for a veterinarian for your cat or dog in Danbury? Mill Plain Veterinary Clinic is now accepting new patients! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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